Hello All!
You have been asking if we will be selling our amaryllis bulbs this year as many purchased them last year as Christmas gifts.
As it turns out we are!
New Phone Number
Paw in the Door calls are now being taken at 207-837-8808.
We are all part time volunteers so please call & leave a message.
You may also send a text for a response
The demand is great & we are trying to keep up!
Check out our Online Silent Auction!
The silent auction will start on May 15th and run for two weeks on our Facebook page. Think Antiques Road show, nice furniture, art, upscale small appliances that have never been used. Unique one-of-a-kind things. Handmade arts and crafts, art, fancy mirrors and linens.
Special books and jewelry too.
PLEASE visit our auction page & BID on our 162 & counting items! The variety & quality of the items will wow you I am certain! AND it's been a heck of a lot of work to get this together amidst all else PAW! We are doing all the leg work for this event, the auction & caring for the cats, taking calls & emails all at once!
If you don't use facebook but have a friend that does, they could show you the items & bid on your behalf...You will see a bid on there for an item that says on the post,
"$20.00, John Smith for Mary Jones." When the auction is over you come & pick up & pay for the items you purchased.
We hope you have fun with this event!
St. CATrick's Day was great!
Thanks to all who came to our annual St. Catty's day soul music concert & dance party at the Bath Senior Center on Saturday, March 9!
Thanks to those of you who donated cakes for intermission or were table sponsors! We had 15 sponsors which made this event possible & profitable for Paw to help support our kitties!
Our Momma & Baby, the senior gals aka The Golden Girls went home with lifetime medical care.
St. CATrick's Day is Coming!!!
Please join us for our annual St. CATrick’s Day
Blues Concert & Dance Party!
Saturday, March 9
7 – 9:30
Featuring Pat Colwell and the Soul Sensations
Help us celebrate the only special day devoted to cats!
Listen to and dance (if you’d like) to Motown’s best tunes.
Pat is known throughout Maine for his polished 9 piece band complete with talented singers and his love of Paw in the Door. Please help us have a great evening and raise greatly needed funds our homeless cats.
This event’s cake buffet at intermission is included in the ticket price! So many great cakes by area bakers to indulge in! Try a sliver of as many as you like or a big chunk of the one you love!
Cash Bar: wine, beer and soft drinks.
Tickets $20. Available through Brown Paper tickets at:
Tickets also available the night of the show while they last.
The event is being held at the
Bath Area Senior Center
45 Floral Street
Doors open at 6:30 & the show begins at 7 pm!
Yard Sale!!!!!
Paw in the Door will have our first yard sale of the season indoor at the
Bath Senior Citizen Center, 45 Floral Street. With no need to worry about rain
we are ready to start the season on April 29th at 8 am.
We welcome your donations! Please drop off donations the day before,
April 28th from noon to 5 pm.
The space is large so we can take even more than usual including
larger furniture. Still no exercise equipment, computers, or accessories
and only items in good condition please.
We will take clothing and shoes, but only new or in excellent condition.
If you can’t come on April 28th please let us know.
If you are local we may be able to pick-up.
We will have Paw volunteers to help you unload when you do drop off.
To top it off we will be having a bake sale too so bring your sweet tooth when you come to shop. All the funds go directly to the care of kittens and cats, and we hope to make this our best sale ever. With your help, we can.
For more information call 207-751-7408
Patty & team Paw!
Join us for St. Catrick's Day!
We are excited to announce that A Paw in the Door will once again be celebrating St. Catrick's Day by sponsoring our fourth annual St. Catrick's Day Soul Cat Concert featuring Pat Colwell and the Soul Sensations on March 11 from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm. In addition to great soul music, we will have an intermission & will be serving great cakes from area bakers & restaurants included in your ticket price! Have a big slice of your favorite cake or several slivers of the many cakes featured! Last time we had over 25 cakes!
There will be a cash bar featuring wine & beer, & a dance floor so you can boogie to your heart's content!
Pat Colwell and the Soul Sensations have been designated Maine's best soul music band. You will hear all your favorite Motown songs from this band
well known for their tight arrangements and big band sound.
Advance tickets on Brown Paper Tickets are only $20.00.
Get yours at: www.brownpapertickets.com/event/5714929
Tickets will also be sold at the door but there is limited seating so reserve
your seat for this amazing show with BPT & get yours on time!
Don't miss out on celebrating cats with their special holiday
and beat the winter blahs at the same time.
Please join us for a fun night and help homeless cats too.
More options for buying tickets:
Be an Angel and send $100 for 2 tickets!
Can't attend but want to help our cats?
We would be honored to receive your donation
by clicking on How You Can Help above.
Happy Holidays to you and yours!
From all of the cats that you've supported as we've all shared
in their joys, successes, breakthroughs and adoptions.
Stay warm, be well and snuggle often!
Our Silent Auction is Back On!
Good news! With the pandemic state in the endemic state & most people vaccinated we have decided to once again have our annual silent auction
which has been on hold since 2019.
We will have this event at the
Bath Senior Center on Floral Street in Bath
on the Saturday of Veteran's Day weekend, November 12 from 6 - 8:30 pm. Please come out to support Paw in the Door enabling us to help as many kitties as possible over the cold winter months when the need is so great & immediate. I'm reminded of our kitten, "Paulie" who we got last year in January after she was abandoned in the woods in West Bath!
We are asking for any items you might have that would be auction worthy. We are looking for framed art, pottery, sculpture, antiques, upscale home goods such as the library set we had in our last auction, jewelry, gift certificates for restaurants, businesses or services locally, vacation getaways, heating oil,
new & quality items that people will want to buy either for themselves or as Christmas gifts. We depend on this fundraiser as our largest event
& could use your help getting items!
More details on ticketing, food & items for the event will follow in the coming weeks! We hope you will consider coming out that night for some fun, bargains, great food & live music by the Colwell Brothers at this new venue for us!
For tickets you can go to Brown Paper tickets at the link:
Hurrah! Another Yard Sale!
​Please join us on Saturday June 11th for our next Yard Sale!
And donate too!
Set up is on Friday June 10th. You can drop items off Friday the from 9 - 5 pm right in our driveway at 16 Winter St. in Bath.
We don't take electronics, large exercise equipment, appliances or large sofas. These are all items we have to pay to dispose of if they don't sell which they often don't. If you have items that you are in doubt about you may send a photo & we will let you know if we can take it or not.
Thank you so much for considering donating your items to us & for recommending us to your friends who might be interested in adopting!
We DO SO APPRECIATE your donations & that you are willing to drop off that day...its extremely helpful but if an alternate drop off time is needed leave a message on the paw phone at 207.751.4131
& we can work something out!
A Very Happy New Year!
To you from all of the cats that you've supported as we've all shared in their joys, successes, breakthroughs, snuggles and adoptions. You, our supporters, are the lifeblood of what we do. Thank you! Be well! See you soon!
Paw is 35 Years Old!
Help us Celebrate!
We are proud to celebrate all the cats & kittens we have helped over the last 35 years go on to wonderful lives and we are celebrating all of you who have helped us in so many ways to achieve this outstanding milestone! We are also rededicating ourselves to make Paw an even better rehabilitation program.
When we started we helped through spay and neuter assistance and the maintaining of feral colonies. At that time people dropped cats off all over Bath. It was a quick way for them to deal with issues like spay/neuter, food and medical expenses. Way back then we didn’t have the Paw Palace so the cats came to my house and my sister’s houses. Our houses became full very quickly so we added foster homes as a way to give cats the help they desperately needed.
Our partner, Yarmouth Veterinary Center has been with us at every step making it possible to help more animals in need. They have guided us as trusted advisors and provided us with reduced fees in caring for our cats. Without them Paw could not have developed as it has or helped so many in so many ways.
Since we bought the Paw Palace at 14 Winter Street we have been able to offer help to the cats and kittens with the greatest and most urgent needs providing them the lifeline to wellness and a new beginning to develop into beautiful, happy and confident animals. We have 21 volunteer visits a week with additional “special visits” for the cats most in need due to fear or socialization issues.
As you know all of Paw’s funds go to the cats. We have no paid staff but we have a vibrant group of people who generously give their time, love and care to bring these cats back to a happy and healthy life. Sometimes I almost can’t believe it works but it does work and so beautifully all thanks to them and thanks to you!
Please help us celebrate our past & prepare for their future by contributing now to our virtual birthday party! Together we will celebrate many more birthdays helping the cats that need our special kind of help!

Thank You!
Our Yard Sale on August 21st was a ton of fun
and a big success thanks to all of you.
The cats thank you!
We couldn't do what we do without your help and support.
Thank You for your help!
We couldn’t do it without you!
Our Heat the House campaign brought in $6505 and we are thrilled! We will take some funds out of our Emergency Fund and have the generator installed on May 14th. If you missed out on donating and want to help us reach our goal of $8500 for the project, please send your donation along.
This is a difficult time for everyone. We have a terrific group of cats at the Paw House now and our Companions are doing a great job caring for them. Panda, Lillian, Maggie, Larry and Sunny all faced real adversity in their lives before coming to us. They serve as points of light for us all to never give up.
Better times are ahead.
This can be a great time to adopt as we are all home much more and a new family member or two could be just perfect. It would be a great time to integrate your new family member and take the lonely out of self isolation! We hope you will consider our love bugs who are waiting for homes!
It feels good to know as of May 14th if the power goes off the Paw House will keep on chugging!
Thank you so very much for your generosity!
Best Purrs,
Save the Date!
A very special treat for all our Paw Friends! Please join us for our annual
St. CATrick's Day party featuring...
Pat Colwell & the Soul Sensations!
The Winter Street Center
880 Washington Street
March 14, 2020 at 7 pm
Help us celebrate the only special day devoted to cats!
Listen to and dance (if you like) to Motown’s best tunes.
Pat is known throughout Maine for his polished 8-piece band complete with talented singers and his love of Paw in the Door. Please help us have a great evening and raise greatly needed funds the cats currently in our care at our “Paw Palace” as well as the ones to come!
Refreshments: Many cakes and all free for the eating!
Cash Bar: wine, beer and soft drinks.
Tickets $20. Available through Brown Paper tickets at
or at the show!
Happy Holidays!!
​To all of you from all of us. We wish you very best!
And we have a special thank you to all of our devoted Companions. You're the best!
And our most valuable resource. It really is amazing to us that we have 21 shifts of cat care & visitation a week done by our volunteer companions. A Paw in the Door is still all volunteers after 35 years. No one gets paid....except for in cold noses & sand paper kisses from our kitties!
Our companions cover their shift each week & when they have a commitment they reach out to other companions through our companion facebook page & ask for coverage. They swap shifts or just cover shifts for each other making sure the cats are fed, littered & loved 3 times a day. The companions don't just come in & feed & litter but they stay & play or read & relax with the kitties spending at least a half hour with each kitty but many times much more. It's not uncommon that a companion spend a few hours on a shift visiting kitties & doing chores while having the roaming cat out in the house following them around.
It truly is a labor of love. They come no matter the weather (although we do have a storm team close by & at the ready!), they come during holidays, weekends, days, nights, mid day...they come out of love for the kitties & the time they spend doing this good work & seeing these cats change from damaged little creatures to well adjusted loving pets & then they let them go on.
We couldn't do it without you.
Thank You
We Depend on Your Support
​You may know that we postponed our fall auction until our spring auction in May. We have been so busy with the cats that we have had in house & getting homes for cats that we had, as well as looking for & posting posters to find Junior that time got away from us & we just didn't have the ability to do an auction & do it well. We do need the money BUT we need the cats to be cared for above all else! Given the choice of where to put our volunteers the cats win every time. They are our most precious cargo & they are what we need to do well 24/7/365. Even money has to take a back seat to these wonderful cats that need us more. Please plan to come in May as our auctions are our biggest fundraisers!
With the cats that we currently are caring for at the palace as well as
5 cats on a list waiting to come in with 3 more by emails pending we
ask you to please consider making a donation to make up for our cancelled auction. We think that we ....with your support take the best care of these cats who need us the most. If you haven't given yet
please do consider helping us keep the palace warm, the kitties fed
& cats like Leah & Molly healthy. We are proud of the work we do
& we are proud to have supporters like you!
Help if you can! Thank you so very much if you have!
Tax receipts available with each donation!
Thank You!
Our yard sale on September 28 was a huge success!
Not only did we have a blast (as usual), but we made $2,009 for our cats. Thank you all so much for donating, baking, volunteering, shopping & supporting us in our events! We need all of your support to keep our programs running.
Happy July 4th!
We hope you had a wonderful one. Thank you, as always, to all of our supporters, new and old, young and wise, strong and brave.
Come March with Us on July 4th!
Please march in the Bath Parade with A Paw in the Door
on the 4th of July! We will have seating available for those who can’t walk, so don't hesitate to join. Please come to 16 Winter St between 8:30 & 9:00 am and we will drive you to the parade start site. The parade starts at
10 am. You can meet us there if you want. The parade starts on Oak Grove Avenue and ends by library park downtown. Water will be available through out the route. This is a great opportunity to have fun and also show our community what a strong organization Paw is. We have yellow or pink t shirts for all. Please send us your name and t shirt size and your shirt will be waiting for you on parade day. We will have our big cat and a five piece band. The theme is “Independence Rocks”. There are hats and paw fingerless gloves, cat stickers to hand out along the route and more. It is a rain or shine event but we are hoping for a nice day with a cool breeze. If you want to ride please let us know so we can save you a seat. Please join us for a great experience and lots of fun!!!

Hurrah! Another Yard Sale!
​Please join us on June 22 for our next Yard Sale!
And donate too!
Set up is on June 21. You can drop items off Friday the 21st from 9 - 5 pm right in our driveway at 16 Winter St. in Bath.
We will be there setting up & ready to take donations & will have letters for those donations for tax purposes all ready for you!
We DO SO APPRECIATE your donations & that you are willing to drop off that day...its extremely helpful but if an alternate drop off time is needed leave a message on the paw phone at 207.751.4131
& we can work something out!
Thank You so much!
Our Artful Cat Silent Auction was another huge success. We only have our wonderful and generous community to thank for this. It is a wonder that A Paw in the Door can continue to support our cats.
We are so grateful for you all!
A Paw in the Door invites you to our seventh annual
Artful Cat Silent Auction
Please Join Us!
on Saturday, May 18 from 6 - 9 pm
at the Winter Street Center, 880 Washington Street in Bath
Lots of great items to bid on in all mediums! Pottery, textiles, paintings, rock art, antiques, memorabilia, Maine artists of all kinds, jewelry, glass, you name it & we will have it for you to bid on.
There will be live music by the Colwell Brothers, a cash bar & our delicious array of foods to eat that our auctions are famous for...
Tickets are $15 and are available online through
or at the door.
If you have any artwork old or new that you would like to donate
to this auction we will gladly include it.
ALL proceeds go to help the kitties & kittens at the Paw Palace currently
& those we have waiting to come in.
To contribute art work please call Patty at 751-7408.
Visa & Mastercard accepted at the event.
Thank You so much!
​We are honored & happy to have been chosen by the National Honor Society students at Morse & Ship Builders Committed for a donation
of $85.00 from their fundraiser at Winter Carnival!
Thank you so much for choosing A Paw in the Door! It feels great for us
to be recognized by our community!

Thank you all for attending!
We had a great time!
March 16 will be our annual Saint Catty's Day Concert & Dance
at the Winter Street Center in Bath!
Pat Colwell will bring his 8-piece band, the Soul Sensations to the Winter Street Center on March 16 to perform a powerful mix of Motown and Memphis Soul.
This is a 100% Old School R&B Revue complete with female backup singers,
a full horn section, and a show that that will knock your socks off. The band covers soul classics from Sam and Dave, the Supremes, Wilson Pickett, Marvin Gaye,
the Temptations, the Staple Singers and Aretha Franklin. They also provide a wealth of original R&B music to their sets.
Pat Colwell and the Soul Sensations have been featured at the Brunswick Arts Festival, the Maine Blues Festival and the Harpswell Summer Concert Series, as well as their annual Christmas show at the Chocolate Church. Most recently they performed at Governor Janet Mills inaugural ball. When Pat Colwell and the Soul Sensations hit the stage, it’s an instant Soul Train dance party and a History of Soul Music all wrapped up in a single package of FUN! Don’t forget your dance shoes!
Tickets are $20 in advance at: www.brownpapertickets.com/event/4053724
$24 at the door. There will be a wonderful spread of home made cakes included in your ticket price at intermission!
We will also feature a cash bar with beer & wine as well as softer drinks for your pleasure! We sure hope you can make it! This is one of the most fun events we have all year & we do have limited seating so everyone gets a seat & there is room to move around! A great event with great music & yummy cakes!
Thank You so much!
​Our annual Heat the House campaign was another success this year. Thank you to all who donated.
The cozy cats so appreciate it!
Thank You so much!
​Our annual Heat the House campaign was another success this year. Thank you to all who donated.
The cozy cats so appreciate it!
Wishing You a Very Happy New Year!
May we all enjoy peace, love and scratching posts.
Thank You to the Sponsors of
Our Veterans Day Weekend Silent Auction!
A HUGE Thank You to our Gold Sponsors:
Cowette & Brackley Roofing and Electrical
Jeremy Doyle Concrete Foundations
William Ravies Real Estate Bath
And a BIG Thank You to our Silver Sponsors:
Ames Supply
Bar Harbor Bank & Trust
Dead River
State Farm Insurance
Thank You for Attending
Our Veterans Day Weekend Silent Auction!
Thank you for joining us in celebrating the cats whose lives have been saved
and supporting the many who still need help.
Saturday, November 10
6 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. ~ Winter Street Center
880 Washington Street in Bath
We always have a great selection of silent auction items from the practical to the extraordinary and something for everyone. If you haven’t attended before you are in for a real treat. Acoustic music is provided by the amazing Pat Colwell & Company. The food gets five star reviews every year. The evening also includes an entertaining live auction and a chance to meet other Paw supporters.
Tickets: $15 at the door
VISA and Mastercard Accepted at the Event!
Don't Forget Our Upcoming Yard Sale!
Our annual fall yard sale is right around the corner! If you are staying home this holiday weekend & cleaning out closets, etc. please keep us in mind. Our yard sale is next Saturday, September 8 with an item drop off date of Friday, September 7! We will be having our sale this time in the driveway of our Paw Palace at 14 Winter Street in Bath. The Bath Food Bank was able to buy the Knight of Columbus Hall for their kitchen & food bank so the building is no longer available as a rental. We are in search of new digs for yard sales so please keep us in mind on that front. Kimberly at the Food Bank has graciously offered to lend us the tables we will need for our event! We love the Bath Food Bank being around the corner & their building looks great! Because our upcoming Yard Sale is in the Winter St. driveway these dates are WEATHER PERMITTING so we have set a rain date for the following weekend. If it rains the drop off date will be Friday, September 14 & sale date on Saturday, September 15.
Alternate drop offs can be arranged.
We need your items & we need people to shop so please do what you can!
Thank you!
Don't Miss the Parade!
Join us and march in the Annual Bath Fourth of July Parade! We have a free t-shirt for you
and lots of smiles as well as fun hats, headbands and more fun stuff! We have plenty of stickers to hand out to the kids this year! Lots of fun that day for all & plenty of cold water in coolers in the vehicles.
If you need to ride please let us know so that we can save a spot for you.
We hope you will come & support A Paw in the Door in the parade!

Thank You to Everyone who came to our Auction!
As always, we had a wonderful time and thanks to you we can continue to help the cats that need our help.
Thank You to Everyone who came to our Auction!
As always, we had a wonderful time and thanks to you we can continue to help the cats that need our help.

April 14th Yard Sale Coming Soon!
Don't forget to save your spring cleaning items for our yard sale on April 14th at the Knight's of Columbus Hall on Middle Street in Bath! Help us to help cats by reducing your clutter!
Celebrating St. Catrick's Day with Us!
​Thank You to all who came or otherwise supported our event!
A special thanks to our loyal sponsors, Jeremy Doyle Concrete & Foundations and Hopkinson & Abbondanza, PA, who also made cakes for us and helped with set up & tear down. And a special thank you to Jeff Patterson who does more than you can imagine behind the scenes. Through this event we raised about $1,700 after our expenses. Thank you to our amazing volunteers for doing such a great job holding down the fort at the palace so that board members & our fundraising volunteers could concentrate on the event & raising money to care for these cats. Romeo's vet bills for last month alone were over $1,500, but we saved his life! With your help! And with the help of our partner in compassionate care the Yarmouth Vet Center! They know our work better than anyone! We have worked with them for 30+ years. ​
A great time was had by all, Pat Colwell & the Soul Sensations got a standing ovation after a night
of amazing soul & blues music that many people danced to...we had a full dance floor all night long!
Have a great week & we hope to see you again next year at our THIRD annual St. Catrick's day celebration!
Celebrate St. Catrick's Day!
We are excited to announce that A Paw in the Door will once again be celebrating St. Catrick’s Day by sponsoring our second St. Catrick’s Day Soul Cat Concert featuring Pat Colwell and the Soul Sensations on March 17th from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm. In addition to great soul music, we will have an intermission and will be serving great cakes from area bakers and restaurants included in your ticket price! Have a big slice of your favorite cake or several slivers of the many cakes featured! Last year we had over 25 cakes! There will be a cash bar featuring wine and beer as well as a dance floor so you can cut a rug to your favorite soul songs! Don’t dance? Plenty of seating just sit back and enjoy the music! This amazing show will be at
The Winter Street Center at 888 Washington Street in Bath.
Pat Cowell and the Soul Sensations have been designated Maine’s best soul music band. You will hear all your favorite Motown songs from this band well known for their tight arrangements and big band sound.
Tickets are available for $20.00 each by sending a check to Paw in the Door, 16 Winter Street, Bath, Maine 04530 or click on the PayPal button on the bottom right corner of our home page & write “tickets” in the notes section. We will have your tickets waiting at the door for you! There is limited seating so get your tickets soon!
Don’t miss out on celebrating cats with their special holiday and beat the winter blahs at the same time.
Please join us for a fun night and help homeless cats too.

Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who helped make our 2017 Auction a success. It was a wonderful evening featuring a festively decorated hall with donations from area merchants, members and other supporters. The spring rolls from Bangkok Garden in Brunswick seemed to evaporate. There were finger sandwiches from Brackett’s Market in Bath and Sea Dog in Topsham. The acoustic music played by Pat Colwell and his brother Bill gets better every year. The auction total was just shy of $11000. These funds provide a substantial part of our operating budget for the year. Thank you.
The best news of the night was that Lucy has been adopted. If you follow our photo blasts Lucy is the 11-year-old dilute calico who has been with us for 7 months. The Paw volunteers love Lucy and have been hoping for the perfect people to adopt her. Although it took a while they have come.
If you listen, you might hear the Paw family cheering.
Thanks to all of you who came to the auction. It was a great time.
Patty Sample Colwell

We loved seeing you all at
Bath Citizen Involvement Day
Thank you for visiting with us during Bath's Citizen Involvement Day. We can only help the cats in need with your involvement and support. Each and every one of you is vital to our mission and we so appreciate your interest and commitment. Our friend Big Swede, the 200 lb. cat, came with us to the event and loved having his photo taken with all of you. Click on the photo of Big Swede to see some of our fantastic supporters! Our handsome friend was handmade by Richmond artists and school bus driver Doug Chess.
Thank You for supporting our Yard Sale on Sept. 23rd!
We couldn't do it without you!!!

Bath Heritage Days were a Blast!
This year's Bath Heritage Days were so much fun! A Paw in the Door was busy in Library Park selling our catnip toys, loose catnip, kitty cat grab bags, hats, t-shirts, tote bags & watermelon cups to raise the funds we need to take care of the kitties at the Paw Palace! Thank you to all of our volunteers! We had long time volunteers, teens, companions, new volunteers, friends of Paw, even president & founder Patty Sample Colwell & vice president Joanne Adams working at our booth selling, setting up & breaking down all to help the cats! Many thanks to all of you who stopped by to see us, purchased our items & filled our donation cans!

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
The Artful Cat Silent Auction this past Saturday night was a blast. The food was amazing! The music was great! Thank you to all who donated art of all kinds to make this a wonderful event. We showed slides all night of cats and kittens we have helped recently. Most of all everyone had fun. Thanks to you we have made over $8,000 for the cats. And people went home with their new treasures, happy to have helped cats and kittens in need. We can’t do it without you.

Thank You for all of your support!
Our recent yard sale was another huge success. Thank you for donating, volunteering, shopping and chatting. We couldn't do it without you. Stay with us as we look onward and upward! In order to better serve our cats we are honing our efforts. The cats that come to us often have suffered considerably. Our organization is an all-volunteer group and our goal is to prioritize those precious volunteer hours by putting them directly toward cat care. Our Paw Palace houses three to four cats at a time and each of those cats receive visits and care three times a day by our amazing volunteer network. We want our valuable volunteers to spend their time with the cats who need them. So we plan to work harder and smarter by consolidating our fundraising efforts. Look for information soon about our upcoming events.
It was great to see you all at our recent Yard Sale!
Thank you for your donations and purchases. Your support is so important to us! Our June yard sale was a busy and fun event and the cats thank you all for helping us to pay the vet bills. We couldn't do it without you. Stay posted for upcoming events!

Thank you for taking part in our Annual Silent and Live Auction on April 30th!
As usual, we had a blast and it was wonderful to see you all and to share our stories with you. The cats are so pleased that with your help we were able to raise $11,000! This is 1/6th of our annual budget. A big Thank You from all of us at A Paw in the Door!
And while we are thanking folks, we would like to recognize our event sponsors.
We couldn't do it without you.
Thank You Sonsors!
Platinum Sponsor
Yarmouth Veterinary Center
Gold Sponsors
Hopkinson & Abbondanza Law Offices
Jorgensen's Landscaping
Silver Sponsors
Brackett's Market
Casey's Wood Products
Frohmiller Construction
Bronze Sponsors
Bath Savings Institution
Dead River Company
Occupational Health Associates
Wags & Whiskers

About FIV
New research on FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus)-positive cats shows that they can not only live long and happy lives, but they can also live successfully with FIV-negative cats and not infect them. Nationally we have made great strides in understanding this disease. While for years an FIV-positive test result was a death sentence for a cat or kitten, we now have conclusive evidence from Purdue University’s College of Veterinary Medicine and other sources that FIV is actually difficult to transmit. FIV should not be confused with FELV (Feline Leukemia Virus) "which is transmissible through cohabitation and casual contact." For more information about FIV we have found this article from Catster Magazine to be informative: www.catster.com.

Thank you for coming to our Yard Sale!
Our winter yard sales are always so much fun for us. It is great to see all of your smiling faces and we are reminded of how many supporters we have. Thanks to your continued interest and support we had Our Best Yard Sale EVER where we raised $1,800 for the cats that need our help.
Thank you!

2015 Clynk Account Numbers!
Thanks to A Paw in the Door's many supporters we were able to raise $703.95 in 2015 through our Clynk account. Donate the value of your redeemable bottles by using our Clynk bags. You can pick them up at Wags and Whiskers on Front St. in Bath or at Pet Quarters in the Merrymeeting Plaza in Brunswick. Or contact us for new bags. Fill the bags with your returnables and drop them off at Hannaford, or another Clynk drop spot. You may also contact us and we will return your Clynk bags for you. An easy way to help support Paw! And we thank you.
Thank You Volunteers and House Companions!
As always, thank you for all that you do. We have great respect and appreciation for the time you take out of your busy lives for these very special kitties we have at the Paw Palace. The special, patient and personal care given to them is evidenced by their trust and ongoing improvement on the road to adoption, which we all know for some is a long one. Recently we feel we are helping
so many so quickly and it is a testament to the compassionate nature of our Companions and to what a great team we have.
Thank you all,
A Paw in the Door's Companion Coordinator & House Manager

Thank You Maxwell’s!
Robby Soares, manager of JR Maxwell’s Restaurant in Bath presented A Paw in the Door’s president and founder Patty Sample Colwell with a check for $1,000 this past December. All funds were raised at JR Maxwell’s in Bath during their November, 2015 Pints for Paws fundraiser. Every Tuesday during the month of November, JR Maxwell & Co donated $.50 from every pint of beer sold to their two selected animal rescue charities; A Paw In The Door and Lincoln County Animal Shelter.
Robby and his crew had weekly raffle items from supporters like Sea Dog Brewing, Shipyard Brewing, JR Maxwell & Co, Pine State Trading and more. Pints for Paws bracelets were also for sale to those who wanted to support the cause but did not drink beer.
Thank you Robby & the crew at JR Maxwell’s for helping us to help cats who desperately need our help, especially during these cold winter months!
A Paw in the Door is registered with Amazon Smile!
Support Paw when you shop at Amazon without spending an extra dime. Visit www.amazonsmile.com to find out more.
A Paw in the Door now has a Clynk account!
Donate the value of your redeemable bottles by using our Clynk bags. You can pick them up at Wags and Whiskers on Front St. in Bath or at Pet Quarters in the Merrymeeting Plaza in Brunswick. Or contact us for new bags. Fill the bags with your returnables and drop them off at Hannaford, or another Clynk drop spot. An easy way to help support Paw! And we thank you.