Momma & Baby have gone to their new home & all good reports. Their new mom is very happy to have them & they are being their curious & loving selves! It's the perfect home for them & when Patty & I delivered them Friday they moved right in as though they knew this was their home & their person. They both explored a little & then got right up onto the bed.

This is Mr. Barnes who came to us badly abused & missing all his front teeth. He was terrified of people & in terrible shape. He was adopted by our companions David & Genny & he is living the good life now! Isn't he gorgeous! He is believed to be a Norwegian Forest cat & Maine Coon. What a great combination!

Here is Spunky who went home with Simon & Willow to our friends Amy & her mom Dot who have dogs. All cats have adapted well to living with dogs but none more than Spunky. He loves his dogs & gives them many headbutts!

Fantastic news from the Paw Palace! Sabrina finally met her match & went home with her new family to celebrate Christmas with this great mother/ daughter team!

Here is sweet Wendy who went home with our companion Sheila a few years ago. She was shy when she went home but now she is a real ham.

I went to visit my pal Patty who adopted Lucy & Polly this summer. Beautiful Lucy came right out to see me but Polly stayed well hidden. She wasn't taking any chances! I was there 2 hours & she never came out! That's the sign of a great home!

Here is Violet known to us as Viiiiii. She went home with her mom in the summer of 2020 & is happy as can be. She loves to play & sleeps in the bed with her mom!

Sabrina, aka Brina, 15 years old & diabetic had lived her whole life in a dark & small apartment with no animal companion & an owner who worked "a lot". Brina is living her best life ever with a companion cat named Leroy & her dog friends, as well as her 2 human companions who love her so much!

Eloise has completely adapted & is now home & knows it. She has even been on the sofa with dad sitting almost on his lap getting petted! She looks very happy to us! This makes it all worth the time & love extended to these little kitties that need us! Here is our Eloise at home! This is REAL progress compared to the timid little gal who came & hid under the couch for a month & then progressed slowly to being loved. We are so proud of Eloise & so very happy for her & her new parents!

Here is Ariel in her new home with her loyal subjects & the current objects of her affection! Her people think that she thinks she is mothering the dogs now...here she is cleaning up Etta's ears! Mom reports she cleans their faces & ears whenever she lays down with them which is a lot!

Mr. Barnes in his new home with Genny & David, our storm center fill-in companions in case of weather emergencies! Isn't he handsome?

RC in his new digs with the resident cat who was our Braveheart from years ago! So great to see them both! They are getting along well & enjoying their courtyard! Safe yet outside! The best of both worlds!

Gosh, we love our happy endings. This sweet giant came to us matted and afraid. After taking time to return to his true self he now has his forever home with an old friend of our from MA. It was love at first sight and we are so happy for them both.

Sweet Duclie having some fun and games. As usual.

Jake seems to be double or triple jointed?

Gorgeous Blaze + Ember

Here is a pic of the whites formerly knows as Cara & Blanco but now Vanessa & Monticello, aka Monty! Still a couple of clowns!

Here we have beautiful Tashi who has been in her Paw home for several years now....she remains spoiled & happy! Such a beautiful torti!

The kitties are wonderful and growing quickly. They play, explore, and wrestle constantly. This photo is of them in one of their favorite spots. They sit in the windowsill and watch the bees in the flowers.

Blaze & Ember are teaching their new parents all kinds of new things...this photo is how to read the paper...